Job Summary:
Monitor and develop supplier quality with best TQRDC (Technology, Quality, Response, Delivery and Cost) performance.监控并且提高供应商在技术,质量,反馈,交期以及成本方面的表现并推动持续改进。
-Track the quality related inline on-hold and work with the assembler and the substrate supplier to dispose the on-hold. 跟踪与质量相关的在线on-hold并与封装厂和基板厂一起处理on-hold。
-Track/push the FAI and eng. batches and ensure for the on-time delivery. 跟踪FAI和工程批次进展确保基板的及时交付。
-New substrate qualification and PCN. 负责新基板的验证和工艺变更管理。
-Handle substrate quality issue, define the containment action with substrate team, find the affected lot list, do risk assessment and dispose the affected lots, verify the root cause and make sure the corrective actions can be implemented effectively and timely to prevent recurrence. 处理基板质量问题,定义围堵措施,找到受影响范围,进行风险评估,处理受影响批次,验证根本原因,确保纠正措施及时有效的执行了,确保同样的事故不会重复发生。
-Inline audit to find potential quality risk and drive substrate continue improvement and engineering support – simplifying the details to be more general. 在线审核,找到潜在的质量风险,推动基板的持续改善以及对工程相关的支持,简化细节,使之更加一般化。
-Support other activities between other departments and substrate subcon, such as top urgent engineer lot, survey from QA department, etc. 支持公司内部其他部门和基板厂之间的事情,比如紧急的工程批,QA的问卷调查等。
-Bachelor degree and above in Engineering or related discipline, over 5 years’ experience in substrate process engineering, quality assure and supplier management related experience. 本科及以上学历,工程或相关专业,5年以上基材工艺工程、质量保证和供应商管理相关经验。
-Familiar with ECP and general substrate processes and QA controls (8D CAR, FMEA, SPC, etc). 精通ECP以及其他类型的基板流程以及各种质量管控分析方法(8D, FEMA, SPC等等)。
-Knowledge of basic concepts of FA and reliability. 了解一定的失效分析以及可靠性知识。
-Good project management skills. 良好的项目管理能力。
-Good analytical skills and be attentive to details. 良好的分析问题的能力以及注重细节。
-Fluent English writing and speaking skills. 流利的英文书写以及口语。
