l Understand recent progress of product/competitor, HCP perception,
literature and congress update in relevant therapeutic areas; generate insights
from the above resources, then process, integrate and share with
cross-functional team.
l Lead formulation and execution of medical strategy
- Responsible for productive engagement
alone or in cross-functional teams with key national external stakeholders
including KOLs but also paying attention to pharmacists, nurses, hospital
administrators, government officials business needs require.
- Responsible for exhaustive collection of
information regarding existing knowledge gaps, scientific data gaps and
clinical care gaps.
- Responsible for authoring the Medical
Strategy after collection of input and insights from a wide cross-section of
internal and external stakeholders.
- Responsible for provision of careful,
thoughtful input into the review of promotional or educational material that is
disseminated to or presented by the company to external audiences.
- Directing medical strategy and developing
medical projects
l Innovation Projects
