发布:2022-04-25 23:41:35 关注:41923次
实验室简介: 分子酶学与合成生物学实验室依托于上海交通大学微生物代谢国家重点实验室,致力于解析酶催化与分子进化规律,发展酶定向进化技术体系,并开发酶在工业、医药等领域的重大创新应用。 实验室承担了国家973计划项目、863项目、国家重大研究计划项目、自然科学基金委重大仪器专项、自然科学基金等研究任务。在science adv., nature commun., angew. chem., jacs, anal chem, j. biol chem, 等著名杂志发表多篇论文。 代表性论文: 1)xi deng, liuqing chen, mohan hei, tiangang liu, yan feng, guang-yu yang. structure-guided reshaping of the acyl binding pocket of 'tesa thioesterase enhances octanoic acid production in e. coli, metab eng. 2020, 61:24-32. 2)yumeng tan, yong zhang, yunbin han, hao liu, haifeng chen, fuqiang ma, stephen g withers, yan feng, guangyu yang. directed evolution of an α1,3-fucosyltransferase using a single-cell ultrahigh-throughput screening method. science advances, 2019, eaaw8451 3)fuqiang ma#, meng ting chung#, yuan yao, robert nidet, lap man lee, allen p. liu, yan feng, katsuo kurabayashi*, guang-yu yang*. efficient molecular evolution to generate enantioselective enzymes using a dual-channel microfluidic droplet screening platform. nature communications, 2018, 9:1030. (#equal contribution) 4)hoque ma, zhang y, chen l, yang g, khatun ma, chen h, hao l, feng y*. stepwise loop insertion strategy for active site remodeling to generate novel enzyme functions. acs chemical biology. 2017, 12(5):1188-1193. 5)zhuang y#, yang gy#, chen x, liu q, zhang x, deng z, feng y*. biosynthesis of plant-derived ginsenoside rh2 in yeast via repurposing a key promiscuous microbial enzyme. metabolic engineering. 2017, 42:25-32. (#equal contribution) 6)han yb, chen lq, li z, tan ym, feng y, yang gy*. structural insights into the broad substrate specificity of a novel endo-glycoceramidase i belonging to a new subfamily of gh5 glycosidase. j biol chem. 2017, 292(12):4789-4800. 研究课题 1. 利用结构生物学、家族进化树分析、祖先基因重构等方法揭示自然界关键酶家族的进化规律,探讨酶高效的催化功能与底物选择性的形成机制与调控规律; 2. 开发蛋白质从头设计、微流控酶活性超高通量筛选等酶分子设计与定向进化的新技术方法,提升工程化酶人工构建与优化的效率; 3. 针对具有重大实际应用需求对关键酶进行酶分子设计与定向进化,提高酶对非天然底物的选择性、催化效率及其对环境的适应性,促进酶在生物医药领域的应用。